Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Two weeks in...

Okay, so I haven't posted in a few days and I need to finish my skin cancer updates.  Let's just say that work has really kept me busy for the past few days.  I am currently in Houston, TX and will be going to Des Moines, IA next week.  Traveling with 5FU is interesting to say the least.

So, here is the latest update on the arms.  As my Navigate Cancer counselor described, my arms now red, inflamed, and covered with little lesions.  Every lesion represents sun damaged cells that have the potential to become squamous cell carcinoma.  My left arm, which is the worst one, now has 15 actual lesions forming and another 8-10 red splotches that will probably develop lesions as well.  The right arm only has 1 lesion as of this writing; however, there are about 7 red splotches on that arm.  Needless to say, I am not going anywhere without long sleeves on for awhile.


  1. Hey Terry - thanks for sharing all of this. So what is the goal of this treatment? To hit the cells early so they don't have a chance to organize?

    1. Hey Basil. Thanks for reading my blog. I really appreciate it! The goal of this treatment is to do just that....hit these cells so they can't continue to organize, grow, develop, (etc) in to actual squamous cell carcinoma.

      My doctor was really shocked that I was still having AK's after the Blue U treatment last year. I was really shocked when he said he wanted to "get aggressive" because he felt like the AK's were getting aggressive. However, I would much rather him get aggressive now than have to deal with squamous cell carcinoma later. There is no guarantee this treatment will get rid of all of it! If I show up for my 6 month check up with AK's on my arms, specifically my left arm, he is going to move to a more intensive chemical peel. It actually has to be administered in the office and he said "it would not be pleasant"

      Again, thanks for reading my posts

  2. Thanks for sharing all about your treatment. The Skin care products for cancer patients are necessary to keep skin healthy
