Sunday, January 27, 2013

The world is a much better place with family & friends!

I am very grateful for many things in my life.  I have a wonderful wife who is truly my best friend.  We have been married for, what will be, 24 years on February 11th. She is my strength and the LOVE of my life!  I have two fantastic sons.  I could not be more proud of them.  We are like any other family...we have our good days, we have our not so good days but we are a family.....!

I am grateful for the many friends that I have made through my life.  From the boys & girls in high school, the men of the TN Theta chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon at MTSU, the courageous men & women of Echo Battery 8/43 ADA (PATRIOT) I served with from Texas to Germany to Operation Desert Shield/Desert Strom; the many fabulous people I've met and worked with in my career outside the Army....needless to say this list could go on for a long time.

More recently, I am grateful that I met and have been associated with the folks in the cancer community; specifically, 24 Hours of Booty & the LiveSTRONG Foundation.  I have met so many awesome people with these two organizations and now consider these folks family.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of my life!  Thanks to everyone who has reads my blog and sends me words of encouragement!  You guys are awesome!!!

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