Friday, January 20, 2012

6 month check up

I had my 6 month check up this morning with the fine folks at Charlotte Dermatology.  With the minor exception of half a dozen pre-cancerous lesions burnt off with liquid nitrogen everything looks good.  The majority of the places were on my arms with one on my face. 

My doctor has recommended that I go through a Levulan Kerastick (Blue U) treatment to help slow down the growth of the pre-cancerous cells on my arms.  Basically, this will involve a topical solution of aminolevulinic acid 20% applied to both arms, hanging out in the patient lobby for 90 minutes, then exposing both arms to some high tech blue lamp for 17 minutes.  The procedure is then repeated in one month.  I am told that this procedure should eliminate most of the other "bad cells" lurking under the skin.  Stay tuned for updates on that once the insurance pre approves it and I get it scheduled.

As for the DSAP, it appears to have slowed down just a bit...probably because I have been inside since October and not riding my bike as much as I should!!!  I just have to remember to apply liberal amounts of sun screen to my legs when I do go outside and continue on my rehab from tanning beds. 

Next full body check year! 

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