Friday, October 21, 2011

Believe in Brendan!!!

Imagine my anger when I figured out what all of the green ribbons popping up around my neighborhood meant....Brendan Rodrigues a bright and energetic 10 year old was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma while I was in Austin at the 2011 Ride for the Roses!  I was instantly brought back to the reality of why we had been in Austin...raising money for cancer advocacy and support services.  Luckily, when I contacted the neighbor in charge of organizing our neighborhood's support I was told that the family has already been to the LiveSTRONG Navigation Services tab and registered Brendan.

If you want to follow Brendan's story I have a couple of different ways to do so.  One is through his CaringBridge account at:  Believe in Brendan or if you would like you can LIKE his page on Facebook.

This little man is way too young to have to be worried about running out of time!  Visit one of his pages, make a donation on his behalf, and keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. 

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