Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jeans & Jewels Charlotte

If you are looking for something to do on this wet and rainy should buy a ticket and come to a fantastic fundraising gala for 24 Hours of Booty....Jeans and Jewels "Bling Your Booty".  This is a combination fashion show and semi formal affair with all proceeds benefiting 24 Hours of Booty.  I am very excited to be going tonight and will also be one of the models for the evening...yes my large oversize body will be strutting the runway in some Giordana Cycling Gear!!  This should be fun....maybe! 

Jeans and Jewels

If you can't make it out tonight but still would like to help me fight cancer, you can always visit my fundraising page and make a donation!!  Thanks.  Terry's Fundraising Page

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