Sunday, February 5, 2012

48 hours and the itching sets in

Yesterday was rather uneventful with the Blue-U treatment with the exception of a mild headache all day.  I don't do well with most drugs and whatever that stuff was they put on my arms to soak in for 2 hours gave me a headache that lasted most of the day Friday through about 11 p.m. last night.  Throughout the day yesterday, my arms gradually turned more red...brighter red in some places which I can only assume is where some bad little carcinoma cells are hiding out.

This morning; however, the persistent and nagging itchiness has set in just as if I had gotten a really nasty sunburn or sun poisoning.  I am trying to ignore it, placed ice bags on my arms, and even have resorted to a long sleeve shirt to no avail.  I have applied the prescription cream which is helping a little.  Hopefully, it will clear up soon.

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